Checklist: Debate Broadcast Equipment

  • A full production control room, Outside Broadcast Van (OB unit) or portable production flight pack
    • Vision switcher
    • 3 to 4 professional cameras
    • Video control system (camera shading)
    • 16 channel audio console
    • Limiter/compressor for audio
    • 2 video record devices
    • Video monitors for the control room
    • Accurate clock
    • Microphones for moderator, panelists and candidates
    • Communication system among the stage manager and the camera operators
    • Cabling for all equipment
    • Stage lighting
  • Facility with stage area sufficient to accommodate candidates and debate format
    • Air conditioning
    • Power for all equipment (including the stage lighting); frequently a large power generator is required, which should be as quiet as possible
    • Power for the video control equipment (should come from a different transformer from the lighting and air conditioning)
    • Rigging or mounting locations for the stage lighting
  • Timing lights or computer digital countdown clocks
  • If the debate is going to be broadcast live, then transmission equipment will be needed to send the signal to the distribution point for media outlets