Example: Debate Run Down (Excerpt)


From and courtesy of Presidential Debate Task Force of Malawi

Total Time Item Duration Speaker Check Mark
1:00 Moderator's Opening Comments 1:00 Mod.  
2:00 Introduction of Candidates 1:00 Mod.  
2:15 Question #1 0:15 Mod.  
4:15 Candidate Answer #1 2:00 Cand. 1  
6:15 Candidate Answer #2 2:00 Cand. 2  
8:15 Candidate Answer #3 2:00 Cand. 3  
10:15 Candidate Answer #4 2:00 Cand. 4  
12:15 Candidate Answer #5 2:00 Cand. 5  
14:15 Candidate Answer #6 2:00 Cand. 6  
16:15 Candidate Answer #7 2:00 Cand. 7  
18:15 Follow Up Questions 2:00